الثلاثاء، 14 مايو 2013


Damascus is the capital of the Syrian Arab Republic and the center of the province of Damascus. An area of ​​105 km 2, and is the second largest Syrian cities in terms of population after Aleppo, and exceeds the number of inhabitants with suburban 2.6 million in 2009.  The city is located on longitude 33 east and latitude 36 north, which is located partly on foothills Mount Qasion and other bulk section including the old city of Damascus, located on the southern bank of the Barada River. While taking high-end neighborhoods of the city to expand to the north and north-west, stretching the poorer neighborhoods to the east and south. Occupied the area of ​​municipal buildings and modern residential buildings since the fifties of the last century.  surrounded by orchards Ghouta Damascus, Mount Qasion and a myriad of Damascus. The city rises from the sea at 680 meters.  also know the names of the Levant and the city of jasmine. The city is the administrative center and state education is the most important economic centers. Where the headquarters of ministries and most of the major institutions and foreign embassies and representative offices of international organizations.
Damascus is the oldest still inhabited city in the world and the oldest city in history is still inhabited until now [8], has occupied a prominent place in the field of science, culture and politics, arts and literature during the third millennium BC. And knows that at the end of the second millennium BC, the foundations of the leader Reason Aramean kingdom in Damascus was the capital of him, and was the center of the area it seems at the time. It was the capital in stages and many civilizations in its long history and became the capital of the Umayyad dynasty largest Muslim country in history in 661 during the reign of the Umayyads. Is one of the four capitals of the Levant, which is also one of the old Levantine cities, which became the capital of the Syrian Arab Kingdom (which included the entire Levant) in 1920 and then the Syrian Arab Republic after its independence in 1946 from France.
Inhabit a variety of city population, the vast majority of Arabs and Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Circassians, spread over 15 districts make up the city of Damascus, including the Old City of Damascus. 
National Museum of Damascus Gate, which is the interface Heer Palace West.One of the oldest documents reported by the Damascus Throughout history the city of Ebla number belonging to about 2000 BC., As mentioned there under named "Damaskey".  also mentioned more than once came in ancient Egyptian texts, notably panels Thutmose III belonging to the fifth century BC, where reported as "Timsak", in the Amarna letters as "Timashki".  In the period that followed successively several names with every new state ruled the region, fired by the Assyrians " Damishqa "and sometimes used the name" إيميري Shaw "Also, the Arameans were firing the name of Aram, as mentioned the name" Darmisak "or" Darmisik "in some texts Aramaic, which may mean" house / land irrigated "or" place abundant water "or" land limestone. " After the Islamic conquest of the Levant knew the city a lot of names, including" Damascus, Syria "to distinguish it from the city of Granada in Andalusia, which also named" Damascus Arabs, "and" the Pillars "for frequent columns in the buildings, and the "door of the Kaaba" for its existence on the road to Mecca, and "Faiha" to widen and smell the pure, in addition to several names and other titles, including "Gelq" and "Fort Sham" and "marquee Muslims."  also called " Sham ", the way the label as the original branch. 

Name Damascus moved to the Latin language with some distortion in pronunciation to become "Damasks" (Damascus), and later took the Greek language pronunciation of Latin, then connect via modern Greek to English, which are still used today.
There is considerable disagreement and several assumptions about the origin of the name "Damascus" the same method of derivation. It restores some Arab linguists Damascus name to the term "Damascus" no "if faster," and it is said that the city named its name because "sons Damishqgua - no hurry - to build." On the other hand restores some historians others origin of the name to the Latin language is not Arabic, Veron it is derived from the word "Domsks" meaning musk or smell good, while others see it named after Commander Greek "Damas", who founded the city, due to the mentioned city in messages Amarna and Karnak in Egypt hieroglyphic under the name "Damishqgua" and "Damishqa", some others believe that her name with assets of Chaldean and Syriac.  There is also a belief that the word is derived from the name of one of the descendants of the Prophet Noah "Dmahq".  about Damascus today with multiple names such as: baptism, ink, Nuram, bit Ramon, Dimitrias the, Gelq, Dora Middle, Shama minimum, Sham Sharif, Kenana God, Damska, Faiha, Timashki, Dimas, Amazco, irrigated Casablanca, City Jasmine, Sham.

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